Monday, October 19, 2009

We have another pin up!

I received the final four pages of inks at the weekend - one small change to make to a panel, and then that's it for the art, issue one completed... over to Bernie Lee for lettering.

We will have some scripted preview pages and a cover to show in the next week or so, and the book will be going to the printers early in November, ready for Indy Comic Book Week.

In the meantime, here's another pin up by the supremely nice and very talented Victor Cabanelas - this one shows Omnitarium's Inquisitor Lord Blutstein - guardian of our world, Knight Templar and "Hammer of God" - he's the man that stops people like Harrow Moonheart!



  1. Bernie Lee is also my letterer! And I noticed we were both with Ronin- so I'm really looking forward to your comic :)

    -Chris Garrett

  2. Hi Chris,

    Thanks for following!

    Looking forward to seeing Turbulence on December 30th.

    Best of luck!

  3. Turbulence is done for now, pending any amendments.

    Starting on Omnitarium next week! Thanks guys!
