Monday, April 5, 2010

Issue 2 hits the virtual stands!

Hi all - it's been a while coming, but issue two of Omnitarium is now available - print copies from Indyplanet and digital copies from Drivethru - hope you all enjoy it!

Issue three's art is nearly complete, news to follow.

Jamie Gambell will be in attendance in the Artist's Alley at Long Beach Comic Con in October, 2010 with the book, so feel free to pop by and say hello.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Surfing the Bleed

Another review up at the website of Brett Williams - Surfing the Bleed.

Issue two is nearly there!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Omnitarium Issue #2 Cover

Just received this in my inbox - great work by J.C. Grande!

Inked Cover, Issue 2

Here's a preview image for the inked cover for issue 2.

The book has been sent for lettering and the cover is being coloured.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Omnitarium Issue #2 Nears Completion

Happy New Year all!

Indy Comic Book Week has been and gone, issue one did quite well for the event - even a delay in shipping from the printings not doing enough to hurt sales too greatly. Thank you to all of you who have bought, read and taken the time to comment on the book - reviews have been great (latest one can be found at AICN) and sales have been pretty good.

Here's a preview page for issue 2, cover image to follow - the book should be ready to be sent to the printer's early February, way ahead of schedule!